Weather School Kit


Looking for engaging NGSS-aligned STEM curriculum for your 3rd through 8th grade students? Kids Making Sense® offers a collection of fully developed weather lessons for elementary and middle school students. This kit comes with a WeatherFlow Tempest weather station, 5 mobile WEATHERmeters, 5 preconfigured smartphones with Wind and Weather app installed, and 7 weather focused lesson plans. Your students will learn about the weather around them through comparative information as they experiment with the mobile WEATHERmeters and stationary Tempest weather station. All of the hands-on science tools included in our Weather School Kit are reusable.

Do you have access to Bluetooth enabled tablets or devices to use in your classroom that a free app can be downloaded to? If so, consider the alternate version of this kit that excludes the preconfigured smartphones.

Here is what you get in the kit:

  • 1 WeatherFlow Tempest weather station
  • 5 mobile WEATHERmeters
  • Common Core- and NGSS-aligned comprehensive weather curriculum (school edition)
  • Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbooks (printed and digital versions included)
  • Classroom Weather Bingo bonus activity
  • Access to the web-based data map
  • Technical support via email and phone
  • 5 preconfigured Android smartphones with Wind and Weather app installed
  • Optional add-on: video chat with a weather scientist
  • Optional: Teacher training is available

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